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Human Resources and Employment Compliance can seem like a black-hole filled with stories, conflicting information, and confusion.

The pandemic dealt out even more, never-before-heard-of challenges—which continue to morph almost daily. Addressing the needs of your practice and your employees today and planning for success in the future requires awareness, good leadership, and management.

Join us as we specifically look at the HR perspectives, considerations, and your requirements — now and moving forward — and how today’s HR can become the new practice builder by putting the “Human” back in Human Resources.

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African lady smiling to doctor at dentist chair
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Young man visiting dentist
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Key topics will include:

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  • New and updated HR compliance regulations
  • Determining your degree of potential exposure and liability
  • Reducing costly turnover
  • Your role today in developing talent, recruiting, hiring and training (where’d all the good people go?)
  • Employee engagement for a positive and productive work environment
  • Building an organizational culture for success and long- term employee retention


It is vital that you make prudent HR decisions now that will set the stage for a brighter future. That begins with gaining knowledge and understanding, and then putting your new HR plan into action.


1-hour of C.E. 

$29 – Jameson Customers ($79 Value)
[button size=”large” style=”white” target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” button_shadow=”yes” text=”Thursday, Jan. 13th, 7PM EST” margin=”10px 10px 10px 10px” border_radius=”20″ link=”https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vdq-yJcuTEmFo7bRFionJw”]
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Meet Our Speaker

Tim Twigg is President of Bent Ericksen & Associates. With over 35 years of practice management and business consulting experience and knowledge, Tim is one of the most sought-out thought leaders in the field. Tim’s expertise extends to leadership and business development, strategic planning and marketing, and communication skills, with special emphasis on the “people-side”, human resources, and employment compliance.

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