This monthly newsletter keeps you current with the changing HR landscape. Our articles and information are timely and relevant to you as a business owner. Read answers to reader questions and send us your own.
You may have heard about appreciation in the workplace, its contribution to employee engagement and the role it can play in a business’s success. It’s that smart-sounding thing that, like cleaning the attic, you know would be good to do but haven’t gotten around to……
Claims of retaliation against employers have become one of the fastest growing areas of employment litigation. You need only look at the statistics published by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to get a grasp of this bleak trend. In fiscal year (FY) 2011, it……
“Working interviews,” volunteering and/or unpaid internships are not uncommon in the industry, but they have become a source of increasing risk to dentists, both financially and emotionally. Getting caught doing these without considering compliance requirements can leave you vulnerable to a plethora of problems. Working……
As an employer it is safe to say that at one time or another (if not already) you will have to deal with a difficult employee. If you are one of the fortunate few who have not experienced this, then you probably have lent your……
Employers are regularly characterized poorly in various media outlets. While there are those who deserve it, most don’t. Throughout the years, we have met, and worked with, some of the nicest employers, who genuinely want to do right by their employees. This is to be…..
A dentist fired an employee who wasn’t performing well. She was absent a lot, failed to chart patients correctly, and had the lowest production numbers. After months of putting up with this, the dentist sent her packing and hired a replacement employee. Six months later……
An I-9 form is a document that all employers, no matter the number of employees, are a required to have for each employee. While this requirement has been in place since 1986, we find dentists are still sorely lacking in the knowledge and/or are failing……
Did you read our last newsletter article entitled: “The End of Performance Reviews Part 1: Ahh, Music to My Ears…”? Did it make you feel good and nervous all at once? The article indicated you might be able to give up your current performance evaluation……