



Policy Manual or Employee Handbook Review Service

Are you confident your present HR materials are compliant with today’s laws?

HR compliance is ever-changing and complex. New regulations are passed every year and states vary widely in their requirements.

A policy manual needs to be unique to your industry, the number of employees you have, and your individual state. Beyond requirements, your policy manual should contain all of the necessary and recommended policies that support effective employee management.

Our assessment will give you an overview of the adequacy of your manual and the area(s) that should be added, changed and/or updated. In the review process, we do not rewrite policies or manuals or provide specific language for corrective action.

Common mistakes found in poorly written and non-compliant policy manuals:

Use of the term “probation” or “probationary period”:

Use of the term “probation” or “probationary period” has been shown to negate at-will employment rights and is not recommended.

Broadly worded social media policies:

Many social media policies infringe on employees’ rights to discuss their wages and working conditions (protected concerted activities) per the National Labor Relations Act.

Use of conditional progressive discipline policies:

As written, most progressive discipline policies undermine at-will prerogatives and are not recommended.

How does it work?

** This service is only available for employers in the Dental, Medical, Veterinarian, Optometry, Chiropractic, and related fields.

Send us your current manual or handbook in electronic or paper form and one of our HR Specialists will review it. During the extensive review process, we go through each provision of the existing manual, identifying when language, provisions or policies are:

  • Out of compliance with contemporary standards,
  • Inconsistent with federal and state regulations in the state in which you are located
  • Inadvisable for sound HR management and employment compliance
  • Illegal, contradictory or missing
  • Represent areas of risk or lack of compliance based on the manual’s content.


You will receive a report, via email, of the results of your policy manual review.