BonusPro enables you to achieve the success you want by having your team focused, everyone working on the same goals and objectives and making modifications when necessary. Armed with the facts, you and your team will be able to reap the rewards.
BonusPro is a web based program for setting up and managing an effective bonus and incentive plan in your practice. Geared for the dental profession, BonusPro is a proven management method for creating incentives, motivating employees and achieving greater financial success for everyone.
The fundamental principle behind BonusPro is “Together Everyone Achieves More” – the T.E.A.M. Concept.
On a monthly basis, BonusPro compares the salaries that are being paid out for staff against a rolling average of the production and collection. Using the practice’s desired overhead percentage with national norms for comparison, BonusPro will automatically calculate whether a bonus has been achieved, and determine the bonus.