Did You Know?
Did You Know that the Supreme Court in Washington State Recently Ruled Against Employers Restricting “Moonlighting” Employees?
The new law expands workplace protections in Section
Did You Know that the Supreme Court in Washington State Recently Ruled Against Employers Restricting “Moonlighting” Employees?
The new law expands workplace protections in Section
Did you know that religious protections were expanded in Utah?
The new law went into effect on May 1, 2024.
The new law expands
The Superior Court of New Jersey Addressed Obligation of Employers to Reimburse Employees for Business Expenses?
In Sands v. Board of Review, Department of Labor
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) extended the renewal period for work permits to 540 days?
Employment authorization documents (EADs) typically have
Employers in Texas Must Post a Notice Regarding Reporting Workplace Violence or Suspicious Activity?
House Bill No. 915 adds Chapter 104A, “Reporting Workplace Violence,”
Wages Due on Weekends or Holidays May Be Paid the Next Day, according to California High Court?
The California high court declined to review
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz Signed Legislation Strengthening Current Protections for Employee Wage Disclosure?
Did you know that New York eliminated time limitations for sexual assault claims?
Minnesota Now Prohibits Discrimination Based on Hair Style? – On February 1, 2023, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz signed a law commonly referred to as the
These grants are funded by the California Employment Training Panel and California Labor and Workforce Development Agency. They are geared toward helping small businesses offset