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The focus of this course is your “Recruiting, Hiring & Onboarding”

Success is driven by people. And no leadership function is more critical than the ability to attract, train, develop, motivate, and effectively manage qualified and competent people.

As a result of the pandemic, challenges now exist just finding people to work. The labor market is tighter than ever and the pool of available candidates is quite small, causing frustration for many dentists. Your recruiting and hiring efforts need a wholesale refresh for success including emphasis on a candidate’s attitude, emotional intelligence and fit factor, not just skills and experience.

And that’s only half of the battle. The second half is having a comprehensive onboarding plan that will support commitment and long-term employment.

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Handsome black dentist smiling over modern dental clinic background
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Young Female Dentist in Office
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This session will help you:

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  • Avoid common recruiting and hiring mistakes
  • Create more effective job postings
  • Learn tips & tricks that are working in other practices
  • Use multiple and non-traditional methods of recruiting to find the best candidates (discover where the good people are hiding)
  • Effectively screen candidates and eliminate wasted time (phone, video, team)
  • Incorporate better interviewing techniques and questions that get “behind-the-scenes”
  • Establish a robust onboarding plan based on the Four C’s


The benefits include better hiring and decreased turnover, meaning less emotional and financial stress for you and your team.


Complimentary Webinar!

[button size=”large” style=”white” target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” button_shadow=”yes” text=”Wednesday, May 4, 7:00PM (EST)” margin=”10px 10px 10px 10px” border_radius=”20″ link=”https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BuB77AMCQn2kbZ_Fy8vRpQ”]
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Meet Our Speaker

Tim Twigg is President of Bent Ericksen & Associates. With over 35 years of practice management and business consulting experience and knowledge, Tim is one of the most sought-out thought leaders in the field. Tim’s expertise extends to leadership and business development, strategic planning and marketing, and communication skills, with special emphasis on the “people-side”, human resources, and employment compliance.

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