
With over 20 years of experience in practice management and business consulting and specifically in the healthcare field, we understand the importance of nurturing strong relationships with your referral sources. This is why we believe that sponsoring a presentation on your behalf is an excellent opportunity for you to express gratitude, provide added value, and further strengthen those valuable connections. Our comprehensive and timely presentations not only impart vital information but also serve as a fantastic public relations opportunity for your practice.

People Power

More Effective and Successful HR Management

A 2-day Comprehensive, Intimate Training in HR Compliance & Effective People Management
Solving the HR Puzzle: Challenges, Requirements and Recommendations
Recruiting, Hiring & Onboarding
Performance Management & Taking Corrective Action
Employee Engagement and Appreciation in the Workplace
People Leadership and Organizational Culture

Length: 1-3 Hours or 2-4 Hours
Audience: Doctor, Spouse, Team Members, and/or bona fide Office Managers
Honorarium: $750 – $1,500  (This fee is negotiable and is commonly waived based on reasonable attendance numbers of 20-30 dentists at an evening presentation)

Expenses: Negotiable, based on coordinated travel, lodging, and meals
Accreditation: Attendees will receive 2-3 hours of AGD continuing education credits

For any logistical queries or concerns, our experienced team is ready to assist. Questions may include:
  • Is attendance limited to your referring dentists only?
  • Is there a fee for attendance?
  • Who will make the meeting space arrangements?
  • Are there other potential sponsors who could help offset expenses?
  • We will conduct the presentation for you, for your referring dentists.
To sponsor an event with Bent Ericksen & Associates is to create a win-win situation for all parties involved. Let's make this happen for you and your referring dentists. Contact us today!

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