Category: BOP Bits

Category: BOP Bits

What’s New

Minnesota: Effective Jan. 1, 2024, Pay History Ban
Employers in Minnesota may no longer ask a job applicant about their pay history beginning Jan.

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Did You Know?

Employers in Texas Must Post a Notice Regarding Reporting Workplace Violence or Suspicious Activity?
House Bill No. 915 adds Chapter 104A, “Reporting Workplace Violence,”

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Q & A

Q: May an employer be sued due to the contents of a post-termination reference?

A: Yes, absolutely. This is where the majority of employment-related defamation

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If you haven’t seen them yet, be sure to log into your HR Director account. We sent compliance updates in December, and they affect all

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What’s New

Effective January 1, 2024, Off-Duty Use of Marijuana is Excluded from Hiring Decisions in Washington
Recognizing that Marijuana has been legal in WA since

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Q & A

Q: May I recoup an inadvertent overpayment of overtime pay in one pay period by not paying the employee for overtime worked in the next

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Montana Adds Free Speech as Basis for Wrongful Discharge
Effective October 1, 2023, a discharge that is solely based on the employee’s legal expression

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What’s New

California: New Law Prohibits Noncompete Agreements
On September 1, 2023, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 699 into law, which prohibits employers from

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