BOP Newsletter

BOP Newsletter

Little boy at the dentist

Q & A

Q: Is a terminated employee eligible for unemployment?
A: Yes. Although this may vary by state, in general, unemployment benefits are available to a former employee who is out of work through no fault of their own.

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Did You Know?

Wages Due on Weekends or Holidays May Be Paid the Next Day, according to California High Court?
The California high court declined to review the case Parsons v. Estenson Logistics, LLC, in which an employee had sought to pursue claims alleging he was consistently paid two days late each week because his employer paid wages due on Saturday on the following Monday.

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Q & A

Q: May an employer be sued for refusing to provide a post-termination reference?

A: Probably not, depending on the way the refusal is worded and to whom the refusal is communicated.

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What’s New

Minnesota: Paid Sick Leave, Paid Family Leave, and State-Sponsored Retirement

Paid Sick Leave
Effective January 1, 2024
Applies to all businesses with 1 or more employees
All employees will earn 1 hour for every 30 hours worked up to 48 hours in a year

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Q & A

Q: Does a nonexempt employee need to be paid for time spent traveling from one work site to another during a workday?
A: Yes. Any time spent by an employee in travel as part of his or her principal activity, such as travel from job site to job site during the workday, must be counted as hours worked under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

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BOP Bits

What’s New

Vermont: Family and Medical Leave Insurance Plan Announced
The new program will be called the Vermont Family and Medical Leave Insurance Plan (VT-FMLI) and is scheduled to roll out for state workers before being available in the private sector. Private employers may voluntarily participate starting in 2024.

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BOP Bits

Q & A

We have a problem with employees discussing their wages with each other. We would prefer they keep this confidential, and we’ve even informed them that disclosure of this information can result in termination. What else can we do to prevent these discussions from happening?

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BOP Bits

Now Arriving: “Uber-like” Staffing Options

The convergence of Uber-like technology, the ongoing staffing shortages in dentistry, as well as enterprising companies, are bringing the emergence of app-based temp services for dental assistants and hygienists, and even front-office and associates.
Unlike traditional temp agencies typically operating in one city or defined geographic areas, these companies have a much bigger footprint. Via their app/software/platform, they act as the intermediary between the dental office and a pool of available workers.

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BOP Bits

Holiday Pay Got You Perplexed? We’ve Got You Covered!

While there are a few states with some holiday regulations, for the most part, no, holiday pay is not required. Whether or not you choose to provide any holiday pay is up to you.

Rhode Island and Massachusetts have holiday pay regulations, but those states also have numerous exceptions, so not all employers are required to comply. In addition, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Tennessee have regulations around providing Veteran’s Day off to qualified Veterans.

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