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Bent Ericksen & Associates Expands Marketing Partnership with Verasoni Worldwide

Eugene, Oregon. July 22, 2020. Bent Ericksen & Associates (BE&A), the nation’s leading Human Resource consulting firm focusing on healthcare, is expanding its partnership with Verasoni Worldwide, a marketing consultancy and advisory firm.

BE&A is nationally recognized for its deep expertise and guidance in the field which helps empower clients to work in a more stress-free environment, confidently make sound staffing decisions and more effectively address staff relations. Building on its storied client-centric consultative model, BE&A continues to distinguish itself in a very competitive space because of its deep commitments to clients and partners.

“We have enjoyed working with Verasoni Worldwide for several years and are excited to expand our working relationship with them to further shape our brand positioning and digital strategies for the future,” said Tim Twigg, President of BE&A. “It is important that we continue to deliver the exceptional services, products and advice that our clients have come to expect. And while digital marketing efforts and virtual products and services have always been a part of our marketing strategies, in light of the COVID upheaval that all companies are wrestling with, we are now accelerating that effort,” continued Twigg. “To ensure we are efficiently and effectively communicating our value to the marketplace, we’re delighted to be working more with Verasoni Worldwide, whose world-class body of work is well-recognized,” added Twigg.

“Bent Ericksen and Associates is a venerable brand in this space and a clear leader. We are honored and ecstatic to partner with their team to assist them in their continued digital branding journey as the company continues to position itself for growth and prosperity,” said Abe Kasbo, CEO of Verasoni Worldwide.

Bent Ericksen & Associates and Verasoni Worldwide will work together to enhance the company’s positioning with digital and marketing communications strategies and platforms to distribute its brand efficiently going forward.

About Bent Ericksen & Associates

For over 30 years Bent Ericksen & Associates has been a leading authority in Employment Compliance and Human Resources. The company provides a comprehensive Human Resource suite of materials and ongoing consultative support services that help business owners navigate the tricky employment landscape.

About Verasoni Worldwide

Founded in 2005, Verasoni Worldwide is a fiercely independent marketing communications advisory and consultancy that delivers the highest level of creative and strategic integrated marketing strategies serving clients spanning from Fortune 500, middle-market to venture-backed startups. As a full-service firm, Verasoni Worldwide continues to set the pace in business-driven marketing innovation while staying focused on the bottom line. To learn more about Verasoni Worldwide please visit, follow on LinkedIn and Twitter.